Sugru SMLT8 Mouldable Glue – Product Review
– durable, flexible, super clay – product photo coverage
Recently received a pack of Sugru clay – SMLT8 Mouldable Glue. Being a DIY hacker, I really love the Sugru clay’s quick and flexible/mouldable colourful rubber clay. It can be used to hack, mod or fix almost anything from toys, wood, glass, aluminium, steel, ceramics and few other fabrics materials. It was invented by UK-based Jane ni Dhulchaointigh.
The Sugru clay, when opened can be glued to fix any objects, the clay starts to react with the moisture in the air to made into a durable and strong flexible silicone rubber which is also heat resistant upto 180°C, electrically insulating water proof.
Sugru clay is a must for all hackers and maker’s toolbox. Do also checkout their wonderful “The Fixer’s Manifesto“.

Visually Walked, Clicked & Featured By
Balakumar .M

Casual Walker is a curious Travel & Culture – photography magazine by Balakumar .M, an Avid Traveler and Culture Photographer, International Award-winning Entrepreneur, and Technologist, who received the Asia Innovation Award from SingTel, Singapore.
Casual Walker magazine visually walks a wide range of thoughtful, and unique photography stories and insightful guides on Travel, Traditions, Culture & Arts, Indian Temples, Museums, Events, Foods & Eats, Dance, Drama, & Music performances, Nature & Living, Hotels & Stays, Yoga & Vedas, Wildlife, Travel Gears, and Reviews. more
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