Real Science Behind the Popular Indian Traditions, Culture & Heritage values – A Documentary Video
logic behind the customs and rituals of indian culture
Real Science Behind the Popular Indian Traditions, Culture & Heritage values – A Documentary Video
– logic behind the customs and rituals of indian culture
A wonderful documentary about the scientific reason behind the logical reasoning behind the valuable Indian traditions and culture, that has been termed “superstitious,” for merely bringing about a definite conscience that goes behind following them. Check out the informative “Science Behind Popular Indian Traditions ” documentary filmed by Vishruthi Girish.
Casual Walker is a curious Travel & Culture – photography magazine by Balakumar .M, an Avid Traveler and Culture Photographer, International Award-winning Entrepreneur, and Technologist, who received the Asia Innovation Award from SingTel, Singapore.
Casual Walker magazine visually walks a wide range of thoughtful, and unique photography stories and insightful guides on Travel, Traditions, Culture & Arts, Indian Temples, Museums, Events, Foods & Eats, Dance, Drama, & Music performances, Nature & Living, Hotels & Stays, Yoga & Vedas, Wildlife, Travel Gears, and Reviews. more
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